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Редакция журнала «Хвойные бореальной зоны»

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Ethical principles

The future of the science and the research publication field is mostly dependent on the respect both to the law regulations and the principles of ethical interaction of the participants of the research and editorial communities. It guaranties the quality increase of the research publications as well as the successful development of the collaboration of the authors, publishers and readers. The common experience of the ethical behaviour is collected into the united document Ethical Code (the Code) that was elaborated by the Committee on research publications ethics.

The Code includes and reveals the general principles and rules to be used by the participants of the research publications process: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.

Main terms

Research publications ethics -is a system of rules of the professional behaviour of the authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers during the process of creating, distributing and using of the research publications.

Editor - is a representative of the research journal or publishing house who is in charge of preparing the materials for the publications and dealing with authors and readers.

Author - is a person or group of people (a group of authors) involved in creating a publication of the results of a research study.

Reviewer – is an expert acting on behalf of the research journal or publishing house who conducts an expertise of the author manuscripts aiming the opportunity to publish.

Publisher –is a corporate or physical body issuing the publications.

Reader – s any person having acquainted with the published materials.

Plagiarism – is a willful/intended appropriation of the authorship of the other people’s pieces of science or art, ideas or inventions. Plagiarism can be the violation of the copyright and patent laws and implies the legal liability.

Principles of the professional ethics in the editor and publisher activity

The publisher is responsible for the publication of the author’s manuscripts in his activity, thus, it is necessary to follow the main principles:

  • In decision of publishing the editor of the research journal is guided by the authenticity of the data and the significance of the manuscript.

  • The editor has to estimate the intellectual content of the manuscripts regardless of the race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, origin, social position and political preferences of the authors.

  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts should not be used for personal intent and given to the third part without the written agreement of the author. Information or ideas obtained during the editing and connected with possible advantages should be preserved confidential and not be used for personal intent.

  • The editor should not accept to the publishing the information if it is supposed plagiarism

  • All the complaints concerning the manuscripts or published materials should be answered by the editor and publisher. All necessary measures should be taken for restore the violated rights.

Ethical principles in reviewer activity

Reviewer examines the manuscripts, thus, his actions should be unbiased according to the following principles:

  • Manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document that should not be given for reviewing and discussing to the third part without authorities delegated from the editorial staff.

  • Reviewer should give an unbiased and reasoned estimation to the given results of research. A personal critic of the author is unacceptable.

  • Unpublished data obtained from the submitted manuscripts should not be used by the reviewer for personal intent.

  • Reviewer who does not have from his point of view enough qualification for the manuscripts estimation or cannot be unbiased should inform the editor about this fact and ask for excluding from the manuscript reviewing, i.e. in case of the conflict of interests with the author or organization.

Guidelines for authors of the research publications

The author (or a group of authors) realizes his responsibility for the novelty and authenticity of the research results that implies the following principles:

  • Authors should submit the authentic results of the research done. Intentionally erroneous statements are unacceptable.

  • Authors should guarantee that the results given in submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements should be arranged with links to the author and original. Unreasonable borrowings and plagiarism including the unarranged citations, paraphrasing or appropriation of the research results are unacceptable.

  • The paper should contain the links to all of the papers having influenced the research.

  • The authors should not submit the manuscript that is already submitted to another journal or published in another journal.

  • All the persons made a significant contribution to a research should be mentioned as co-authors. Those who did not take part in research should not be mentioned.

  • Once the author finds out the significant mistakes or uncertainties in the article at the stage of review or after its publishing he has to inform the journal editorial board as soon as possible.