Адрес редакции: 660049, Красноярск, пр.Мира, 82,

каб Ц-01а

Кафедра «Селекции и озеленения»

Редакция журнала «Хвойные бореальной зоны»

Телефон: (391)222-73-58

e-mail: hbz@sibsau.ru

Contacting authors

The journal “Conifers of the boreal area” publishes the results of original (not previously published) research aimed at solving fundamental and applied issues in the following main areas:

  • Biology and ecology, forestry;

  • Technology of harvesting and mechanical processing of wood; 

  • Chemical technology of processing of vegetable raw materials;

The editorial board of the journal asks to follow the rules below and recommends the authors to learn about them in detail before sending the article to the editors. Articles that do not comply with these rules are returned without consideration.

 Set of materials:

  • text of the article and abstract in Russian and English in two copies;

  • electronic version, which should include: a file containing the text of the article and file(s) containing illustrations.The electronic and paper versions of the materials must be identical;

  • information about the authors must be submitted in paper and electronic form;

  • an agreement on the transfer of copyright;

  • a conclusion of the expert commission;

  • a letter of assignment for publication from the workplace.

Design of the text for the article                 

Articles in Russian (preferably with English translation, for further publication in English) or in English are accepted for publication. An abstract in Russian and English should precede the main text of the article (each should be 200-250 words).
The last page of the text should be signed by all authors. The article is accompanied by a letter of assignment from all institutions where the authors work. 
It is obligatory to have UDC, keywords for each publication (in Russian and English).
The article should clearly and concisely present the current state of the question, describe the research methodology and discuss the findings. Abbreviations of words, except for common ones, are not allowed. Names of institutions and brands of goods should be written in full when first mentioned.
The title of the article should fully reflect its content. It is recommended to standardize the structure of the article by using subheadings: INTRODUCTION (THEORETICAL ANALYSIS), MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHODS, EXPERIMENTAL PART, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, FINALS (or CONCLUSIONS), BIBLIOGRAPHY, REFERENCES. The article should be accompanied by a list of sources in transliteration, which is done by automatic transliteration in order to ensure citation tracking in international databases. The length of the article is up to 10 typed pages.



In order to facilitate later work with the article files, you should avoid using special styles, templates and macros. It is strongly recommended to use MS Word's default formatting settings.

  • Font Times New Roman, 12 pt.

  • Paragraph indent - 1 cm.

  • Line spacing is single.

  • There should be no double spaces in the text.


  • Insert illustrations and tables after references to them in the text.

  • Use the default table formatting.


Raster images should be attached to the text as separate JPG or JPEG files with a resolution of at least 300dpi, vector images should be grouped together.


  • Graphs made in Excel, Statistica, Statgraf, MathCAD, Matlab, Curve Expert should remain linked to the source file.

  • It is unacceptable to merge several graphs into a single raster image with illegible text and elements.


Mathematical equations (chemical formulas) begin on the red line and are numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the page. Only those chemical formulas and mathematical equations that are referred to in the text should be numbered. If possible, cumbersome mathematical symbols should be avoided.

Bibliographical references

The cited literature is given under the title BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES at the end of the article and should be arranged in accordance with STATE STANDARD 7.1-2003. in Russian and/or foreign languages (for the RSCI system).

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of bibliographical references..