Адрес редакции: 660049, Красноярск, пр.Мира, 82,

каб Ц-01а

Кафедра «Селекции и озеленения»

Редакция журнала «Хвойные бореальной зоны»

Телефон: (391)222-73-58

e-mail: hbz@sibsau.ru

About the journal

The journal is a successor of the interuniversity digest of the scientific papers “Larch and its complex processing”, regularly published in 1962-1988. It presents the original and review articles on Biology, Ecology, Mechanical treatment and chemical processing of coniferous species of wood. The journal spotlights the botanical-sylvicultural features of coniferous species of the boreal zone and their environment-forming role as well as the issues of the rational complex usage of their raw resources.

Conifers (Coniferae or Pinidae) is the vastest and most widely-spread subclass of the gymnosperms. Many of them play the primary role in the vegetative layer of the Earth forming the vast boreal forests especially in Eurasia and North America. Coniferous species determine the look of boreal forests both in North America (12 species-5 species of pine, 3 species of spruce, 1-pihta, 1- tsuga, 1- tui) and Eurasia (14 species- 3-pine, 4 – pihta, 3-spruce and 2 -larch)(Krussman, 1986). But due to the biological specifics of these species the breed content of the boreal forests includes the significant number of the hardwood, birch and aspen mostly.

Boreal forest play a tremendous environment-forming and economic role. Being the most important supplier of the wood and the wood processing products, including pulp and paper mass, rosin, skipidar, tanning agents, etc, conifers have the determinating social-economical importance. Quite a big part of the population of these territories live at the expense of the forest, and the prosperity of the greater of its part depends on the boreal forests condition.

The borders of the boreal forests zone in the Northern hemisphere are usually connected with the July isotherms: the northern border is the isotherm +13, the southern border is the isotherm +18 (Strakhov, Pisarenko, Borisov, 2001). The total area of the boreal forests of the planet constitutes 16,6 mln km2 (a half of the planet total forests area) (http://www.borealforest.org). In Canada boreal forests constitute 75 % of the forests, in the USA, state of Alaska, 88%, in Norway 80%, in Sweden 77%, in Finland 98%, in Russia about 70%. Russian forests are mostly boreal. It contains 73% of the boreal forests area of the planet (Pisarenko, Strakhov, Dmitrieva, 1997). About 42 % of them are concentrated in Siberia (Sokolov, 1997).

Founder and publisher: Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

Chief Editor