Адрес редакции: 660049, Красноярск, пр.Мира, 82,

каб Ц-01а

Кафедра «Селекции и озеленения»

Редакция журнала «Хвойные бореальной зоны»

Телефон: (391)222-73-58

e-mail: hbz@sibsau.ru


theoretical and research-practical journal

Dear Friends!

The journal "Conifers of the boreal area" is the successor of the collection of scientific papers "Larch", published from 1962 to 1988. The journal covers a wide range of scientific achievements in the field of forestry, its pages publish original articles on the problems of biology, forestry, mechanical processing and chemical processing of coniferous wood, as well as anniversary and review articles on the history and state of forestry science.

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and Doctor of Sciences in the following specialties:

from 01/02/2022

1.5.15. Ecology (biological sciences)

from 02/15/2023 

4.1.6. Forestry, forestry, forest crops, agroforestry, landscaping, forest pyrology and taxation (agricultural sciences) 

4.1.6. Forestry, forestry, forest crops, agroforestry, landscaping, forest pyrology and taxation (biological sciences)

4.3.4. Technologies, machinery and equipment for forestry and wood processing (technical sciences)

4.3.4. Technologies, machinery and equipment for forestry and wood processing (chemical sciences)

We invite you to cooperate!

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